Relaxation & Meditation
Relaxation allows the body to relax the muscles so as to free you from muscle contractions created by stress, nervousness, daily concerns and bad posture. By learning to relax and by practicing stretching and practicing Yoga, you obtain and you manage to free yourself from all its tensions and thus you succeed in acquiring meditation. This meditation helps you to find a balance between the mind and the body, a good muscular and blood oxygenation, a better concentration and to find the sleep.
Breathing Techniques
There are different breathing techniques depending on certain sport. In Yoga breathing is done through the nose, it is complete breathing (clavicular, costal and abdominal), which allows overall muscle relaxation. The breathing used for the Pilates Method is deep breathing using all of the deep abdominal muscles (obliques, transverse and rectus abdominis) and postural muscles. The breathing technique of the Hipoppresives Method is done in the form of a short apne (6 to 30 sec.) So as to use the postural muscles as in the Pilates Method.
Nowadays many people have lost flexibility due to modernity (elevator, car, sofa, etc.), technology (working in a sitting posture, computer, vacuum cleaner, etc.) and tonic sports. This leads to loss of mobility in the joints and movement. So the importance of stretching is essential to regain flexibility, blood oxygenation and good muscular irrigation (due to breathing during practice) in order to acquire good joint functioning and at the same time avoid skeletal rigidity.
Postural Gymnastic Hypopresive
If you have hernias (inguinal, umbilical, crural, discs, etc.) the best way to avoid surgery and sometimes dangerous, will be to practice the Hipopresive Postural Method in order to regain control of your deep muscles and postural. If you have an operation for a hernia without treating the problem in depth, there is a risk that the hernia will come back a few years later. With this method you will find good posture, a refined silhouette, good functioning of your abdominal, pelvic and respiratory organs and muscular performance for sports professionals.
Postural Correction
Posture is very important for the proper functioning of our vital organs. Bad postures create major traumas for the skeleton, sleep, balance and good functioning in the body in general. This is why it is necessary to regularly practice gentle sports, such as Pilates, Yoga, Stretching, Thai Chi, Hipoppresive Method, Chi Gong, relaxation, etc. These practices also make it possible to regain good blood circulation, good oxygenation of muscle tissues and good functioning of the metabolism in general.
Pré & Postnatale
The practice of sport for pregnant women is very important to maintain good posture over the months of pregnancy, to avoid back pain, heavy legs, insomnia, excessive weight gain, discomfort and also to be able to prepare for a favorable delivery. Postnatal recovery is essential for women, so as to recover the correct posture in the lumbar region as well as the recovery of the pelvic floor, of the diastasis, of the Alba line, for the well-being of the couple (sexual pleasure, self-confidence , etc.) and to regain his initial body and a beautiful silhouette. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.